Sharing God's Truth

Sharing God's Truth

Was there ever a time in your life when you were just stuck? “What should I do? Who do I talk to? Where do I find the information I need? How do I find people who understand what I’m facing?” The TRUTH is we’ve all searched for answers at some point. We’ve all made decisions we are proud of and some we would change. “To minister God’s truth and love to persons with needs related to sexuality, pregnancy and post abortion recovery” is the Mission Statement of Starting Point. Everything we say and do points back to that! In January each year, we celebrate the Sanctity of Human Life. It’s a time to reflect on the purpose and value of human life, and to celebrate each life. One out of every four women has experienced loss through abortion, miscarriage and/or infant loss. The truth is, regardless of how the child was lost, it hurts.

The hurt matters, the healing matters, the help you receive matters. The kindest, most honest thing that Starting Point can offer is to “rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn” (Romans 12:15, NIV). The first thing people notice about Starting Point when they enter our doors is how peaceful it feels. That peace comes from a sincere love for the Lord, for serving and for the people in our community. Our staff and volunteers are here to be a safe place for your journey. We offer God’s truth and love to each person regardless of age or situation. Whether you’re a Baby Boomer, Generation X,Y,Z or maybe from a generation yet unborn, our position is that you are valued. That all human life is to be celebrated and cared for with dignity. Starting Point has been here for almost 35 years to share God’s truth and love to all generations! If you or someone you know is feeling stuck, asking questions and needing answers, please tell them about Starting Point! We are here to offer resources and services at no cost.

35 Years of Serving Generations

35 Years of Serving Generations