Volunteer Information

If you would like information about volunteering please fill out the form and submit it.

We are so excited you are interested in becoming a partner of Starting Point! This survey includes a list of all the ways you can get involved in the ministry. Please fill out the survey as the Lord is leading you.

Please note: This is not the official volunteer application. 

Volunteers are critical to the work we do at Starting Point and we would love to talk to you about joining the team.

Thanks for your interest in Starting Point!

Our Vision:

Starting Point exists to create a community of Christian faith where abortion is unthinkable, sexually transmitted diseases are unknown and this generation becomes awakened to a personal relationship with God the Father through Jesus Christ, the Son; where the painful choices of our past are healed, restored and redeemed by the power of the Holy Spirit; where the Biblical model of sexual integrity, expressed in the covenant of marriage between one man an done women, is embraced as the basis of a society where every child is welcomed, nurtured and empowered to walk in God’s eternal truth and love.

Our Mission:

Knox Pregnancy Services, Inc., d.b.a. Starting Point, is a life-affirming place for teens and adults facing an unexpected pregnancy to experience God’s truth and love while receiving prenatal medical services, education, material assistance, counseling and pregnancy loss care. All services are offered at no cost, with no income restrictions or insurance required.