Our Fundraising Events


Sanctity of Human Life January 2024

In January each year, we celebrate the Sanctity of Human Life. It’s a time to reflect on the purpose and value of human life, and to celebrate each life. One out of every four women has experienced loss through abortion, miscarriage and/or infant loss. The truth is, regardless of how the child was lost, it hurts.

The hurt matters, the healing matters, the help you receive matters. The kindest, most honest thing that Starting Point can offer is to “rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn” (Romans 12:15, NIV). The first thing people notice about Starting Point when they enter our doors is how peaceful it feels. That peace comes from a sincere love for the Lord, for serving and for the people in our community.

Annual Fundraising Banquet April 11, 2024

The Starting Point Annual Fundraising Banquet, themed “Capturing the Generations,” was the perfect way to celebrate 35 years of service to Knox County.

It was an evening full of sharing ministry updates and honoring those who have impacted Starting Point and our community this past year. It is exciting to cast the vision forward for the upcoming year as well.

Prayer support, financial support from businesses, families and individuals, along with physical volunteer support at the center are equally necessary to propel this ministry forward. Starting Point exists to show God’s Truth and Love to this generation in the areas of unplanned pregnancy and healthy relationships with resources and education for all who need us.

It’s not too late to help Starting Point reach our fundraising goal. We appreciate each gift and partner. Thank you for allowing us to thrive in Knox County for 35 years!

Baby Bottle Campaign Summer 2024

Each year between Mother’s Day and Father’s Day Starting Point kicks off it’s Annual Baby Bottle Campaign. Churches, businesses and organizations across Knox County pick up their bottles from our office and fill them up with spare change, cash or checks to benefit Starting Point. All bottles are returned to Starting Point where the donations are totaled and every group is sent a certificate letting them know how much they raised over the summer!

You can also “fill a bottle” by donating online or using text to give by texting BBC to 1.833.632.3140.

Your change makes a difference!

Annual 5k & Family Glow Night - October 5th, 2024


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